Tuesday, December 16, 2008

RPM usage

Let me show you how to create a simple RPM package.

Let me brief about few important rpm options.

1) How to install a rpm package?
rpm -ivh epm-3.5.1-1.i386.rpm

-i : Insists RPM to install
-v : verbose
-h : print # as install progess

2) How to get more verbose information?
rpm -i
vv epm-3.5.1-1.i386.rpm

3) --test: Perform installation test only
rpm -i --test epm-3.5.1-1.i386.rpm
rpm doesn't install the package, instead performs all the checks that RPM does during an install. RPM will return a non-zero status if the --test option detects problems…

4) --replacepkgs: Install the Package Even If Already Installed
rpm -ivh --replacepkgs epm-3.5.1-1.i386.rpm
This option is used to force RPM to install a package that it believes to be installed already.

5) Force full installation with "--force" option
rpm -ivh
--force epm-3.5.1-1.i386.rpm
Here is one situation where you end up using --force option. Assume a previously installed package is deleted manually by a mischievous person. When you try to install it again by just calling "rpm -i *.rpm". It will end up with the message "package epm-3.5.1-1 is already installed". In this situation you can use either --force option or --replacepkgs option.

6) Installing from URL's
rpm -i ftp://ftp.gnomovision.com/pub/rpms/foobar-1.0-1.i386.rpm
Specifying username for FTP site

rpm -i ftp://smith@ftp.gnomovision.com/pub/rpms/apmd-2.4-1.i386.rpm
  Password for smith@ftp.gnomovision.com: ??

7) Installing package even if dependent packages are not available on system
 rpm -i --nodeps blather-7.9-1.i386.rpm
The --nodeps options to an install command directs RPM to ignore any
dependency-related problems and to complete the package installation.

8) Avoiding docs getting installed
rpm -iv --excludedocs cdp-0.33-3.i386.rpm
Also there is an option --includedocs which directs RPM to install any files marked as
being documentation.

9) Installing package on path of our choice
rpm -i --prefix /tmp/test cdplayer-1.0-1.i386.rpm
--prefix gives the person installing the package flexibility in determining where on
their system they should be installed.

10) --noscripts: Do Not Execute Pre- and Post-install

11) --percent
RPM displays a series of numbers. Each number is a percentage that indicates how far along the
install is. When the number reaches 100%, the installation is complete.
rpm -i --percent iBCS-1.2-3.i386.rpm

12) --rcfile : Use As An Alternate rpmrc File
The --rcfile option is used to specify a file containing default settings for RPM. By default, RPM uses /etc/rpmrc and a file named .rpmrc located in your login directory.

13) --root : Use As An Alternate Root
Adding --root to an install command forces RPM to assume that the directory specified by is actually the "root" directory. The --root option affects every aspect of the install process, so pre- and post-install scripts are run with as their root directory.

14) --dbpath : Use To Find RPM Database
Normally, RPM database exists in the directory specified by the rpmrc file entry, dbpath. By default, dbpath is set to /var/lib/rpm.

15) --ftpport : Use In FTP-based Installs

16) --ftpproxy : Use As Proxy In FTP-based Installs

17) --ignorearch: Do Not Verify Package Architecture
When a package file is created, RPM specifies the architecture, or type of computer hardware, for which the package was created. This is a good thing, as the architecture is one of the main factors in determining whether a package written for one computer is going to be compatible with another computer.

The --ignorearch option will not perform any architecture-related checking.

18) --ignoreos: Do Not Verify Package Operating System
When a package file is created, RPM specifies the operating system for which the package was created. This is a good thing as the operating system is one of the main factors in determining whether a package written for one computer is going to be compatible with another computer.

The --ignoreos option will not perform any operating system-related checking.

19) --replacefiles: Install the Package Even If It Replaces Another Package’s Files
rpm -iv --replacefiles cdp-0.33-3.i386.rpm

1) How to un-install a package?
rpm -ev eject 
 -e: erase
-v: verbose

To get even more verbose information
rpm -evv eject

By adding -vv to the command line, we can often get a better feel for what’s going on inside RPM.

By default RPM wouldn’t erase the package if there are dependencies for this package.

2) --test: Go through the process of erasing the package, but do not erase it
rpm -e --test bother
It will show if any files needed by other packages getting deleted if we erase this package.

3) --nodeps: do not check dependencies before erasing package
rpm -e --nodeps bother
Adding the --nodeps options to an erase command directs RPM to ignore any dependency-related problems, and to erase the package.

4) --noscripts: do not execute Pre- and Post-uninstall scripts 

5) --rcfile : Read for RPM Defaults
The --rcfile option is used to specify a file containing default settings for RPM. By default, RPM uses /etc/rpmrc and a file named .rpmrc located in your login directory.

6) --root : Use as the root
Adding --root to an un-install command forces RPM to assume that the directory specified by is actually the "root" directory. The --root option affects every aspect of the install process, so pre- and post-install scripts are run with as their root directory

7) --dbpath : Use to find RPM Database
Normally, database exists in the directory specified by the rpmrc file entry, dbpath. By default, dbpath is set to /var/lib/rpm.

8) rpm -e and Config files
If you’ve made changes to a configuration file that was originally installed by RPM, your changes won’t be lost if you erase the package. Say, for example, that we’ve made changes to /etc/skel/.bashrc (a config file), which was installed as part of the etcskel package. Later, we remove etcskel, .bashrc.rpmsave a copy of your modified .bashrc file will be created during un-install.

1) How to upgrade a already installed package?
rpm -U eject-1.2-2.i386.rpm
If a package not installed at all early, then -U option works similar to -i (install) option.

Given the fact that rpm -U can be used as a replacement to rpm -i, it follows that
most of the options available for rpm -U are identical to those used with rpm -i.

URLs can also be used to specify the package file.

2)  --oldpackage: Upgrade to an older version
rpm -Uv --oldpackage cdp-0.33-2.i386.rpm

3) --force: Forceful up-gradation
It adds --replacepkgs, --replacefiles, and --oldpackage to the command. The only thing that will prevent a --force’ed upgrade from proceeding is a dependency conflict.

4) --noscripts: Do not execute Install and Uninstall Scripts

Format: rpm -q   <information-selection>
Where Package name can be
7) How to view content of RPM package using RPM command?
rpm -q -filesbypkg -p filename.rpm (or similar)
where --filesbypkg means "List all the files in each selected package."

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