Monday, January 23, 2012

Generating ccs (Conary Change Set) file using rmake build Job-ID

To generate CCS (Conary Change Set) files, for the corresponding packages available on rBuilder server, follow these steps
  • rmake build <package name>.recipe

             This command will build the specified recipe file
             Ex: rmake build tomcat.recipe
          Note down the job number 
  • rmake changeset <jobid>  <package name>.ccs
          This command creates a changeset for the given <jobId>The created changeset contains all the binaries built for this job.
          Ex: rmake changeset 573 tomcat.ccs 
  • conary showcs --lsl <package name>.ccs
           Use conary showcs to examine changeset file contents 
            Ex: conary showcs --lsl tomcat.ccs 

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