1) Configuring the Layout and Design
Customising the Look and Feel
Administration -> Global Settings -> Look and Feel -> To edit the logo, colours or time format, click the 'Edit Configuration' link at the bottom of the page
Changing the default language
Administration -> General Configuration -> Edit Configuration > select the appropriate language in the drop-down box next to 'Default language'.
Configuring default issue navigator
The Issue Navigator is used within JIRA to find and filter issues, and to display the search results in various formats ('views'). It is possible to
Configuring the Default Dashboard
Administration -> Global Settings -> System Dashboard -> Add Gadget
Configuring an Announcement Banner
Administration -> Options & Settings -> Announcement Banner
Enabling Logout Confirmation
Global Settings -> General Configuration -> Edit Configuration -> Logout confirmation
2) User and Group Management
Enabling Public Signup and CAPTCHA
Administration -> Global settings -> General Configuration -> Edit Configuration -> In the 'Mode' drop-down, select 'Public'.
To enable captcha Administration -> Global Settings -> General Configuration -> Edit Configuration -> Locate 'CAPTCHA on signup' and select 'On'.
Adding a User
Administration -> User Browser -> Enter the Username (note that a user's Username cannot be changed once the user is created), Password, Full Name and Email Address.Optionally, tick the Send Password Email box to send the user an email containing a link via which to set their password
Assigning a User to a Group
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user -> click the Groups link in the Operations column
Project role: I'm user 'xxx' and make me admin for project 'ppp'
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID and click on it -> Project Roles ( under Operations) -> Edit -> Tick the project
Changing a User's Name or Email Address
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID -> click their Edit link in the Operations column
Changing a User's Password
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID -> click their Username -> Click the Set Password link -> Enter and confirm the new password
Adding a Property to a User
A 'Property' is an extra piece of information that you can store regarding a user. A Property consists of a Key of your choice (eg. 'Phonenumber', 'Location') plus a corresponding Value (eg. '987 654 3210', 'Level Three').
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID -> click their Username -> Edit Properties -> Enter the new Key and its Value, then click the Add button
Deactivating a User
Before you deactivate a user, you should
Reassign any open issues assigned to that user.(Open the issue -> Assign)
Make sure the user is not the 'Default Assignee' for any project (Administration -> Projects -> Select project -> Edit project
To deactivate a user account:
Remove the user from all groups (User Browser -> Filter the user -> click the Groups link in the Operations column)
Remove the user from all project roles (User Browser -> Filter the user-ID and click on it -> Project Roles)
Deactivating the user account will result in the following
the user will not count towards your license limit.
work log entries associated with the user will remain
filter subscriptions will continue to be sent to the user
Deleting a User
Before you delete a user, you should bulk-edit the issues involved and change the reporter to someone else.
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID -> Delete -> The confirmation screen that follows will summarize any involvement of that user in the system by showing current issues assigned to and reported by that user, etc. These connections between the user and other parts of the system may prevent the deletion of that user.-> If there are no issues assigned to, or reported by the user, the confirmation screen will display a Delete button
JIRA's default groups
jira-developers: has the 'Browse Users', 'Create Shared Filter' and 'Manage Group Filter Subscriptions' global permissions.
jira-users: typically contains every JIRA user in your system. It has the 'JIRA Users' and 'Bulk Change' global permissions.
Viewing/adding/deleting/editing groups
Viewing: Administration -> Users, Groups & Roles -> Group Browser
Adding: To create a group, enter the new group 'Name' in the 'Add Group' form
Deleting: click the 'Delete' link for that group in the 'Group Browser'
Editing: click the 'Edit Members' link in the row for that group in the 'Group Browser'
Automatic group membership
To automatically add newly-created users to a particular group, grant the group the 'JIRA Users' global permission
Administration -> Global Settings -> Global Permissions -> Add the 'JIRA Users' permission to the relevant group
Managing Project Roles
Project roles are a flexible way to associate users and/or groups with particular projects. Project roles also allow for delegated administration
- Global administrators define JIRA's project roles
- Project administrators assign members to project roles specifically for their project(s).
Project roles are somewhat similar to groups, the main difference being that group membership is global whereas project role membership is project-specific. Additionally, group membership can only be altered by JIRA administrators, whereas project role membership can be altered by project administrators.
JIRA's default project roles
1) Administrators — typically contains people who administer a given project.
2) Developers — typically contains people who work on issues in a given project.
3) Users — typically contains people who log issues in a given project.
Viewing project roles
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser
To see where a project role is used, click the 'View Usage' link: This will display a list of the project role's associated permission schemes, email notification schemes, issue security levels and workflow conditions.
To see which users/groups are associated with a project role for a particular project, click the 'View' link.
Adding a project role
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser -> enter its Name and a Description in the 'Add Project Role' form -> click the 'Add Project Role' button
Once a new project role is created, it is available to all projects. Project administrators can then assign members to the project role for their project
Deleting a project role
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser -> Delete
Editing a project role
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser -> Edit -> To edit the Name and Description of a project role
Specifying 'default members' for a project role
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser -> Manage Default Members
Viewing User Sessions
JIRA provides a list of users who are currently accessing JIRA. This is useful if you need to know who to contact before planned downtime.
Viewing Current User Sessions
Administration -> System -> User Sessions
It is possible to have "sessions" for computers that are not logged in. For example, when someone accesses JIRA without logging in, a unique session is created without a username.
Integrating JIRA with LDAP
The main point to realise is that user profiles are still managed in JIRA. Only the password lookup is done against LDAP, and only if the JIRA username coincides with a LDAP username. If the username is not found in LDAP, then the local JIRA credentials will be used.
LDAP users do not automatically have access to JIRA. A JIRA account must be created for each user wishing to use JIRA. You can bulk-create users from LDAP with this LDAP user importer.
This is because each JIRA user has a set of groups (for example, 'jira-users') stored in their profile. Without an associated group, that user can do nothing; not even browse JIRA. Thus, for an LDAP user to be able to use JIRA, a JIRA administrator must create an account for them, and assign them to a group (typically
'jira-user'). The password in this JIRA account will be ignored, as the LDAP password will override it.
Refer Admin guide for details.
Clearing 'Remember my login' Tokens
When a user logs in to a JIRA site, they have the option of making JIRA remember their login on a specific computer and browser, by selecting the 'Remember my login...' check box before they click the 'Log In' button. Upon doing so, a 'Remember my login' token is stored by the JIRA server and a cookie containing this token is set in the user's browser.
A user who revisits a JIRA site from the same computer and browser, will automatically be logged in if JIRA detects that one of the user's 'Remember my login' tokens has a matching token contained in one of that browser's cookies. If the user logs out of JIRA, the 'Remember my login' token is cleared from the JIRA server.
Clearing 'Remember my login' Tokens from a User Profile
A JIRA user can clear all of their own 'Remember my login' tokens from JIRA through their user profile.
Visit your User Profile -> Details -> 'Clear All Tokens'
Clearing a User's 'Remember my login' Tokens from the Administration Console
Administration -> Users, Groups & Roles -> User Browser -> Click the Username -> Remember My Login -> Clear All
Clearing all 'Remember my login' Tokens from the JIRA site
Administration -> System -> Remember My Login -> Clear All
Disabling Remember My Login on the login page
The checkbox can be disabled by setting the 'jira.option.allowcookies' property to 'false' in WEB-INF/classes/jira-application.properties file. After that, a restart of JIRA is required
Project Management
Defining a Project
Administration -> Add Project
A project's configuration settings are as follows:
Key: a 'key' unique to this project (eg. 'WEB'), which specifies the first few letters of this project's issue keys (e.g. 'WEB-100')
Project Lead: Used as the 'Default Assignee'
Default Assignee: the user to whom issues in this project are initially assigned when created. Can be either the 'Project Lead', or, 'Unassigned' (if Allow unassigned issues is set to 'On' in JIRA's general configuration)
Project Roles: members are users/groups who fulfill particular functions for this project. Project roles are used in permission schemes, notification schemes, issue security schemes and workflows.
Issue Type Scheme: the project's issue type scheme determines which issue types apply to this project.
Notification Scheme: the project's notification scheme determines who receives email notifications of changes to issues in this project.
Permission Scheme: the project's permission scheme determines who has permission to view or change issues in this project.
Issue Security Scheme: the project's issue security scheme determines what visibility levels issues in this project can have.
Field Configuration Scheme: the project's field configuration scheme determines which field configuration applies to issue types in this project.
Issue Type Screen Scheme: the project's issue type screen scheme determines which screens are displayed for different issue operations (view, edit, create), for different issue types.
Workflow Scheme: the project's workflow scheme determines which workflows (issue state transitions) apply to issue types in this project.
Project Category: a logical category to group this project into. Useful for managing multiple related projects. New categories can be created via the 'Project Categories' link in the 'Administration' menu.
Components: logical groups that this project's issues can belong to.
Versions: versions defined in the project.
A project administrator can:
Edit the project name ('Test Project' in the screenshot above)
Edit the project description ('A project for demonstration purposes' in the screenshot above)
Edit the project avatar image
Edit the URL
Edit the Project Lead
Edit project role membership *
Define project components
Define project versions
Managing Project Role Membership
Viewing project role members
To see which users and groups belong to each project role for a particular project
Administration -> Click the project of interest.-> This will display the Project Administration page -> Click the 'View members' link
Assigning/removing a user to a project role
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> Click the 'View members' link -> Click the 'Edit' link in the 'Users' column for the project role you wish to edit -> This will display the 'Assign Users to Project Role' page
To remove: Tick the user(s) you wish to remove from the project role, then click the 'Remove' button.
Assigning/removing a group to a project role
Administration -> Click the project of interest.-> This will display the Project Administration page -> Click the 'View members' link -> Click the 'Edit' link in the 'Groups' column for the project role you wish to edit -> Type the group name(s) in the 'Add Group' box on the right-hand side of the page, then click the 'Add' button
To remove: Tick the group(s) you wish to remove from the project role, then click the 'Remove' button
Defining a Component
Components are sub-sections of a project. They are used to group issues within a project into smaller parts.
Adding a new component
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> In the 'Components' section, click the 'Add' link.-> Type the name, description of your new component and assign a user to be the component lead -> Click the "Add" button.
Selecting a Default Assignee
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> In the 'Components' section, click the 'Select' link. -> For each component, select the assignee to whom you want to have new issues in the component assigned by default -> Click on the 'Update' button
Editing a component
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> In the 'Components' section -> click the 'Edit' link -> you can edit the name, description and lead
Deleting a component
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> In the 'Components' section -> click the 'Delete' link -> You can specify the action to be taken regarding the issues in this component. You can either associate these issues with another active component, or have the references removed. -> Press the 'Delete' button.
Managing Versions
Versions are points-in-time for a project. They help you schedule and organize your releases.
Customising the Look and Feel
Administration -> Global Settings -> Look and Feel -> To edit the logo, colours or time format, click the 'Edit Configuration' link at the bottom of the page
Changing the default language
Administration -> General Configuration -> Edit Configuration > select the appropriate language in the drop-down box next to 'Default language'.
Configuring default issue navigator
The Issue Navigator is used within JIRA to find and filter issues, and to display the search results in various formats ('views'). It is possible to
select which issue fields will be displayed as columns in the Issue Navigator.
Administration -> Issue Fields -> Navigator Columns -> Add new columnConfiguring the Default Dashboard
Administration -> Global Settings -> System Dashboard -> Add Gadget
Configuring an Announcement Banner
Administration -> Options & Settings -> Announcement Banner
Enabling Logout Confirmation
Global Settings -> General Configuration -> Edit Configuration -> Logout confirmation
2) User and Group Management
Enabling Public Signup and CAPTCHA
Administration -> Global settings -> General Configuration -> Edit Configuration -> In the 'Mode' drop-down, select 'Public'.
To enable captcha Administration -> Global Settings -> General Configuration -> Edit Configuration -> Locate 'CAPTCHA on signup' and select 'On'.
Adding a User
Administration -> User Browser -> Enter the Username (note that a user's Username cannot be changed once the user is created), Password, Full Name and Email Address.Optionally, tick the Send Password Email box to send the user an email containing a link via which to set their password
Assigning a User to a Group
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user -> click the Groups link in the Operations column
Project role: I'm user 'xxx' and make me admin for project 'ppp'
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID and click on it -> Project Roles ( under Operations) -> Edit -> Tick the project
Changing a User's Name or Email Address
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID -> click their Edit link in the Operations column
Changing a User's Password
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID -> click their Username -> Click the Set Password link -> Enter and confirm the new password
Adding a Property to a User
A 'Property' is an extra piece of information that you can store regarding a user. A Property consists of a Key of your choice (eg. 'Phonenumber', 'Location') plus a corresponding Value (eg. '987 654 3210', 'Level Three').
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID -> click their Username -> Edit Properties -> Enter the new Key and its Value, then click the Add button
Deactivating a User
Before you deactivate a user, you should
Reassign any open issues assigned to that user.(Open the issue -> Assign)
Make sure the user is not the 'Default Assignee' for any project (Administration -> Projects -> Select project -> Edit project
To deactivate a user account:
Remove the user from all groups (User Browser -> Filter the user -> click the Groups link in the Operations column)
Remove the user from all project roles (User Browser -> Filter the user-ID and click on it -> Project Roles)
Deactivating the user account will result in the following
the user will not count towards your license limit.
work log entries associated with the user will remain
filter subscriptions will continue to be sent to the user
Deleting a User
Before you delete a user, you should bulk-edit the issues involved and change the reporter to someone else.
Administration -> User Browser -> Filter the user-ID -> Delete -> The confirmation screen that follows will summarize any involvement of that user in the system by showing current issues assigned to and reported by that user, etc. These connections between the user and other parts of the system may prevent the deletion of that user.-> If there are no issues assigned to, or reported by the user, the confirmation screen will display a Delete button
JIRA's default groups
jira-developers: has the 'Browse Users', 'Create Shared Filter' and 'Manage Group Filter Subscriptions' global permissions.
jira-users: typically contains every JIRA user in your system. It has the 'JIRA Users' and 'Bulk Change' global permissions.
Viewing/adding/deleting/editing groups
Viewing: Administration -> Users, Groups & Roles -> Group Browser
Adding: To create a group, enter the new group 'Name' in the 'Add Group' form
Deleting: click the 'Delete' link for that group in the 'Group Browser'
Editing: click the 'Edit Members' link in the row for that group in the 'Group Browser'
Automatic group membership
To automatically add newly-created users to a particular group, grant the group the 'JIRA Users' global permission
Administration -> Global Settings -> Global Permissions -> Add the 'JIRA Users' permission to the relevant group
Managing Project Roles
Project roles are a flexible way to associate users and/or groups with particular projects. Project roles also allow for delegated administration
- Global administrators define JIRA's project roles
- Project administrators assign members to project roles specifically for their project(s).
Project roles are somewhat similar to groups, the main difference being that group membership is global whereas project role membership is project-specific. Additionally, group membership can only be altered by JIRA administrators, whereas project role membership can be altered by project administrators.
JIRA's default project roles
1) Administrators — typically contains people who administer a given project.
2) Developers — typically contains people who work on issues in a given project.
3) Users — typically contains people who log issues in a given project.
Viewing project roles
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser
To see where a project role is used, click the 'View Usage' link: This will display a list of the project role's associated permission schemes, email notification schemes, issue security levels and workflow conditions.
To see which users/groups are associated with a project role for a particular project, click the 'View' link.
Adding a project role
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser -> enter its Name and a Description in the 'Add Project Role' form -> click the 'Add Project Role' button
Once a new project role is created, it is available to all projects. Project administrators can then assign members to the project role for their project
Deleting a project role
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser -> Delete
Editing a project role
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser -> Edit -> To edit the Name and Description of a project role
Specifying 'default members' for a project role
Administration -> Users Groups & Roles -> Project Role Browser -> Manage Default Members
Viewing User Sessions
JIRA provides a list of users who are currently accessing JIRA. This is useful if you need to know who to contact before planned downtime.
Viewing Current User Sessions
Administration -> System -> User Sessions
It is possible to have "sessions" for computers that are not logged in. For example, when someone accesses JIRA without logging in, a unique session is created without a username.
Integrating JIRA with LDAP
The main point to realise is that user profiles are still managed in JIRA. Only the password lookup is done against LDAP, and only if the JIRA username coincides with a LDAP username. If the username is not found in LDAP, then the local JIRA credentials will be used.
LDAP users do not automatically have access to JIRA. A JIRA account must be created for each user wishing to use JIRA. You can bulk-create users from LDAP with this LDAP user importer.
This is because each JIRA user has a set of groups (for example, 'jira-users') stored in their profile. Without an associated group, that user can do nothing; not even browse JIRA. Thus, for an LDAP user to be able to use JIRA, a JIRA administrator must create an account for them, and assign them to a group (typically
'jira-user'). The password in this JIRA account will be ignored, as the LDAP password will override it.
Refer Admin guide for details.
Clearing 'Remember my login' Tokens
When a user logs in to a JIRA site, they have the option of making JIRA remember their login on a specific computer and browser, by selecting the 'Remember my login...' check box before they click the 'Log In' button. Upon doing so, a 'Remember my login' token is stored by the JIRA server and a cookie containing this token is set in the user's browser.
A user who revisits a JIRA site from the same computer and browser, will automatically be logged in if JIRA detects that one of the user's 'Remember my login' tokens has a matching token contained in one of that browser's cookies. If the user logs out of JIRA, the 'Remember my login' token is cleared from the JIRA server.
Clearing 'Remember my login' Tokens from a User Profile
A JIRA user can clear all of their own 'Remember my login' tokens from JIRA through their user profile.
Visit your User Profile -> Details -> 'Clear All Tokens'
Clearing a User's 'Remember my login' Tokens from the Administration Console
Administration -> Users, Groups & Roles -> User Browser -> Click the Username -> Remember My Login -> Clear All
Clearing all 'Remember my login' Tokens from the JIRA site
Administration -> System -> Remember My Login -> Clear All
Disabling Remember My Login on the login page
The checkbox can be disabled by setting the 'jira.option.allowcookies' property to 'false' in WEB-INF/classes/jira-application.properties file. After that, a restart of JIRA is required
Project Management
Defining a Project
Administration -> Add Project
A project's configuration settings are as follows:
Key: a 'key' unique to this project (eg. 'WEB'), which specifies the first few letters of this project's issue keys (e.g. 'WEB-100')
Project Lead: Used as the 'Default Assignee'
Default Assignee: the user to whom issues in this project are initially assigned when created. Can be either the 'Project Lead', or, 'Unassigned' (if Allow unassigned issues is set to 'On' in JIRA's general configuration)
Project Roles: members are users/groups who fulfill particular functions for this project. Project roles are used in permission schemes, notification schemes, issue security schemes and workflows.
Issue Type Scheme: the project's issue type scheme determines which issue types apply to this project.
Notification Scheme: the project's notification scheme determines who receives email notifications of changes to issues in this project.
Permission Scheme: the project's permission scheme determines who has permission to view or change issues in this project.
Issue Security Scheme: the project's issue security scheme determines what visibility levels issues in this project can have.
Field Configuration Scheme: the project's field configuration scheme determines which field configuration applies to issue types in this project.
Issue Type Screen Scheme: the project's issue type screen scheme determines which screens are displayed for different issue operations (view, edit, create), for different issue types.
Workflow Scheme: the project's workflow scheme determines which workflows (issue state transitions) apply to issue types in this project.
Project Category: a logical category to group this project into. Useful for managing multiple related projects. New categories can be created via the 'Project Categories' link in the 'Administration' menu.
Components: logical groups that this project's issues can belong to.
Versions: versions defined in the project.
A project administrator can:
Edit the project name ('Test Project' in the screenshot above)
Edit the project description ('A project for demonstration purposes' in the screenshot above)
Edit the project avatar image
Edit the URL
Edit the Project Lead
Edit project role membership *
Define project components
Define project versions
Managing Project Role Membership
Viewing project role members
To see which users and groups belong to each project role for a particular project
Administration -> Click the project of interest.-> This will display the Project Administration page -> Click the 'View members' link
Assigning/removing a user to a project role
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> Click the 'View members' link -> Click the 'Edit' link in the 'Users' column for the project role you wish to edit -> This will display the 'Assign Users to Project Role' page
To remove: Tick the user(s) you wish to remove from the project role, then click the 'Remove' button.
Assigning/removing a group to a project role
Administration -> Click the project of interest.-> This will display the Project Administration page -> Click the 'View members' link -> Click the 'Edit' link in the 'Groups' column for the project role you wish to edit -> Type the group name(s) in the 'Add Group' box on the right-hand side of the page, then click the 'Add' button
To remove: Tick the group(s) you wish to remove from the project role, then click the 'Remove' button
Defining a Component
Components are sub-sections of a project. They are used to group issues within a project into smaller parts.
Adding a new component
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> In the 'Components' section, click the 'Add' link.-> Type the name, description of your new component and assign a user to be the component lead -> Click the "Add" button.
Selecting a Default Assignee
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> In the 'Components' section, click the 'Select' link. -> For each component, select the assignee to whom you want to have new issues in the component assigned by default -> Click on the 'Update' button
Editing a component
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> In the 'Components' section -> click the 'Edit' link -> you can edit the name, description and lead
Deleting a component
Administration -> Click the project of interest -> In the 'Components' section -> click the 'Delete' link -> You can specify the action to be taken regarding the issues in this component. You can either associate these issues with another active component, or have the references removed. -> Press the 'Delete' button.
Managing Versions
Versions are points-in-time for a project. They help you schedule and organize your releases.
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