Friday, September 7, 2012

How to find source changelist number used to create a perforce branch?

All perforce admins will mostly get this query "Hey from what changelist number branch //branch/B is created from branch //branch/A?"
There is no simple single command from Perforce to answer this question. But still  you can figure it out with below method. Though it is not 100% perfect answer, I can bet it will give 99.99% right one.

 Branch //release/dpm-3.1/KMS/... is created from //dev/rkm/KMS/... a year ago and we didn't preserve the source branch (i.e. //dev/rkm/KMS/...) changelist number used to create new //release branch.
 Usually the standard practice is to record this changelist number in the description of new branch changelist while creating it.
 Anyways, if you have missed it, no worries, still you can figure it out.

Step 1: Find the first changelist number which got created when the new branch //release/dpm-3.1/KMS/... took birth. You can use below command to find it.
   $ p4 changes //release/dpm-3.1/KMS/...|tail -1
  Change 1270598 on 2011/11/22 by guruss1@sguru_VWINRSA2-46 'Creating //release/dpm-3.1/KMS '

  Note down this number 1270598

Step 2: Find the ancestral history of new branch //release/dpm-3.1/KMS/... using 'p4 changes -i' command and find out what was the changelist number before the birth of branch (i.e changelist before 1270598). Note that -i option will traverse behind and tell what all parent branch changelists are integrated to this new branch.
You can use below command to find ancestral history. Here I'm limiting history to 3 changelist numbers before this branch took birth.
  $  p4 changes -i //release/dpm-3.1/KMS/...|grep -A3 '1270598'
Change 1270598 on 2011/11/22 by guruss1@sguru_VWINRSA2-46 'Creating //release/dpm-3.1/KMS '
Change 1254271 on 2011/09/20 by sguru@sguru_VWINRSA2-46 'Adding thirdpartylicenses.pdf f'
Change 1254094 on 2011/09/19 by pasuns@Sreeekanth_RKM 'coverage reduced to 70% to make'
Change 1253772 on 2011/09/19 by pasuns@Sreeekanth_RKM 'Fix for KMSRV-1798: Addressing '

From this output, I got to know that, changelist number 1254271, which is from the parent branch  //dev/rkm/KMS/... is the last changelist number integrated and hence this is the changelist used to create this branch. 

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