Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Running perforce p4d as service on RHEL

Perforce is not providing standard script to run the perforce server p4d as service on Linux systems. Different people configured it in different way. Here is my way of running it as service on RHEL machines.
  • Create an account 'perforce' in your machine
  • Download p4d and place it in designated directory as defined P4ROOT. Provide exec permission for it. And also change the owner to 'perforce' account.
         In my case P4ROOT=/home/perforce/server
  • Create a start-up script 'p4d' at /etc/init.d
cat /etc/init.d/p4d
# description: This is a daemon which starts perforce server on reboot

test -f /home/perforce/server/p4d || exit 0
export P4ROOT=/home/perforce/server
export P4PORT=1818

case "$1" in
  su -m $RUN_AS_USER -c "/home/perforce/server/p4d -r $P4ROOT -J /home/perforce/logs/journal -L /home/perforce/logs/p4err -p tcp:$P4PORT &"
  /usr/local/bin/p4 admin stop
  echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/p4proxy {start|stop}"
  exit 1

exit 0

Here note that we are not running p4d as root, instead using the account 'perforce'
  • Add a new service for management through chkconfig
          chkconfig --add p4d
  • Configure the run levels on which it needs to be on
          chkconfig --levels 345 p4d on

        It creates soft-links like
           ls -ltr /etc/rc3.d/S29p4d
        lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 13 Sep  4 16:36 /etc/rc3.d/S29p4d -> ../init.d/p4d

  • Verify it by running commands
            service p4d start
            service p4d stop

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