Monday, October 15, 2012

fortifyclient uploadFPR An internal error has occurred

When you try to upload a .fpr file to Fortify 360 server and you get the below mentioned error. Then, this blog provides one of the route cause info and fix.

fortifyclient -url http://some-fortify-server:8282/f360 -authtoken xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xx1231324 uploadFPR -file myproject.fpr -project myproject -version 3.1

An internal error has occurred.
(org.springframework.oxm.jaxb.JaxbUnmarshallingFailureException: JAXB unmarshalling exception: null; nested exception is javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException
 - with linked exception:

One of the reason this error occurs is "If the date/time on the machine where you run fortifyclient is ahead or too behind"

Solution: Set current date/time on the client machine.


  1. Thanks for this.

    It fixed our problem.

  2. Holy moly, how did you figure that one out?? Thanks though, solved our issue too!

  3. Please Help me with this problem-
    I'm getting : Invalid URL: Not Found [404]

    All the parameter is correct. I'm even able to connect to the fortify server.

    command -
    fortifyclient uploadFPR -project "xxx" -version "xx" -f "xxx.fpr" -url "http://xxx" -user xxx -password xxx

    Same command is working from different machines.
    What could be the problem in this machine?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am unable to upload the file from Jenkins, but able to upload it from my local box.
    I have the required certificates and auth tokens too
