Friday, December 1, 2023

MyLearning - MongoDB with Python

What's the goal of this learning?

Quickly get hands dirty with the concepts of MongoDB by using Python


What is MongoDB Atlas?

It is a cloud service provided by MongoDB, and I will utilize this cloud instance instead of a local one. I signed up for it at the following URL using my Google account to avail free subscription.

Create a cluster

  • To create cluster through UI follow this doc and you'll get the username and password
  • [Optional] To create cluster using CLI
    • First, install Atlas CLI
      • brew install mongodb-atlas
    • Connect the Atlas CLI to account
      • atlas auth login
    • atlas clusters create [name]
      • atlas clusters create siddesh 

PyMongo - The Python MongoDB Driver library

  • pip install pymongo

Compass - GUI application

  • Refer this page for installation 

Python Code