Thursday, April 23, 2015



How to extract commit message from the given commit ID?

$ git show -s --format=%B <COMMIT-ID>
git log --format=%B -n1 <COMMIT-ID>

How to list commits submitted only on the specified branch?

$ git log <branch-name>

How to get the commit-ID, a remote tracking branch is pointing to?

 After fetch, if you want to know which commit-ID the remote tracking branch is pointing to, you can simply use the log command on remote tracking branch.
Ex:  $ git log origin/rel-sa81-8.1-r.3 -2

If you run the same command on local branch, you will see the difference
Ex:  $ git l1 rel-sa81-8.1-r.3 -2

How to fetch and rebase commits from remote branches?

I need to fetch changes only from a remote branch origin/rel-sa81-8.1-r.3.
$ git fetch origin rel-sa81-8.1-r.3

Now rebase the local branch with fetched commits
$ git rebase origin/rel-sa81-8.1-r.3

How to update a Personal repo "master" branch with remote reference repo "master" branch?

I have a personal repo by name "siddesh-myProduct" and it is a fork of "myProduct" repo.
Now "myProduct/master" branch got many commits after I forked "siddesh-myProduct/master".
Too synchronize "siddesh-myProduct/master" with it's reference, I use rebase.

#First create a remote pointer to "myProduct" repo.
$ git remote add myProduct

# Fetch changes 
$ git fetch myProduct

$ git rebase myProduct/master

#Push changes to my personal repo "siddesh-myProduct"
$ git push origin master

How to squash 2 commits into one?

git rebase -i origin/bugfix/PRS-326493~2 bugfix/PRS-326493
git push origin +bugfix/PRS-326493

How to discard last commit?

git reset --hard HEAD~1
git reset --hard <the sha1 hash>

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